Product FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions*
Updated 9.30.24
Hello! Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Food Movement website. Here we will be publishing answers to questions our customer service team has indicated that you, our customer, have a deeper interest in.
Please note that under the Dietary Supplements Health Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) we are not allowed to give medical advice, diagnosis or preventive treatment. None of the information below should be considered as anything like that.
Are Food Movement products third party tested?
All Food Movement products are third party tested for heavy metals and for microbiological contamination. We make these results available to customers and others by request for specific lot numbers. If you have a request for testing information on a product please email
Are Food Movement products safe to give to children?
In general, Food Movement products are formulated for use by adults of average body weight. According to the National Library of Medicine, Cark’s rule is an equation used to calculate childhood dosages of medicines. In that equation, average body weight is defined as 150 lbs. If you weigh significantly more or less than average, you may want to consider changing your dosage accordingly.
Are Food Movement products safe to take every day?
In general, Food Movement products are formulated to be safe enough to take every day. Does this mean you should take them every day? Not necessarily.
Some experts recommend using products that are designed to support cleansing of the body, for example, for periods of time from 2 weeks to 2 months. Again, this does not mean they are safe enough to take every day, it merely means that if you have a specific health goal you may only need them for a shorter period of time.
For example, some customers may use our Black Earth Zeolite for cleansing purposes and use for a 1-2 month period. After this they might switch to Black Earth Fulvic or our Ultimate Trace Minerals for daily maintenance and supplementation with humic fulvic trace minerals, without the extract of Zeolite (Clinoptilolite).
Where are your Black Earth minerals sourced?
Our Black Earth minerals are exclusively sourced in the USA. While we don’t give out the exact location for security reasons, we can share that our proprietary minerals are mined exclusively in the four corners region of Colordao Plateau, a physiographic and desert region of the Intermontane Plateaus.
I bought two different lot of a product and they taste/look different. Has your production process changed?
All Food Movement products are completely natural - from our Black Earth mineral extractions to our dried super food powders. Since we started we have not significantly changed any of our production methods. However, because they are natural products you can expect some variety in taste and appearance from batch to batch. This is because different lots or harvests of natural products can have natural variation, resulting in differences in taste, color or smell. Because all of our products are third-party tested for contamination, you can rest assure that whatever difference are there, are due to natural and safe processes.
*These are answers meant to be helpful to consumers in doing their own research on how to maintain their own health. This information should not take the place of medical advice. This is not intended to prevent, treat or diagnose disease